Jewelry Judge Ben Gordon
Insurance & Estate Appraisals
Valuations for Distribution or Resale

It takes an expert to uncover a hidden gem.
Appraising is our business, jewelry is our passion…
A Jewelry Judge Appraisal or Consultation equips you with information to make the right decisions. Jewelry Judge Ben Gordon is available in his Houston lab to consult and appraise jewelry for insurance replacement, estate probate, division of property, and for the purpose of buying and selling. As a Master GIA Graduate Gemologist, Ben is proficiently trained to grade diamonds and colored stones and knowledgeable in fine and antique jewelry. Jewelry Judge provides comprehensive appraisal and consultation services for all your appraisal needs from your first engagement ring to your estate jewelry planning. Choose from in-person or virtual appointments to fit your schedule. Learn More about Ben Gordon or Schedule Appointment today!

Consumer Protection Since 1953
The Jewelry Judge offers While You Watch Services. Services include: Jewelry Insurance Appraisals & Consultations, Watch Appraisals, Gold and Precious Metals, Crown of Light Appraisals, Estate Appraisals, Fair Market Value Appraisals for Equitable Distributions, Resale or Purchase, Jewelry Repair Services, In Person or Virtual Consultations, Grading Report Verification, and Expert Witness for Legal Claims. Learn more about our services.

Seven Decades of Service
Knowledge and Experience You Can Trust
Master Graduate Gemologist and Jewelry Appraiser Ben Gordon has been working in the jewelry industry for over 7 Decades! Ben’s legacy is the trust placed in him by generations of client families with his jewelry appraisals.